Category Archives: About Us



Ernest Nelson-Homiah – Director: Ernest Nelson-Homiah is an Advanced Level 2 Practitioner, who trained at London’s renowned Regent College with Charles Stone. 

Ernest is one of the first Practitioners in the UK who has successfully trained and qualified in Thought Field Therapy, licensed by Callahan Techniques.  Continue reading

Thought Field Therapy

Thought Field Therapy

What is Thought Field Therapy? [TFT]

Thought Field Therapy [TFT] is a new technique for the rapid relief of all kinds of emotional distresses. It works rather like accupuncture by stimulating the body’s energy meridians to resolve problems with regards to the body’s emotional control system. However, with TFT no needles are used. Instead, the patient taps on various parts of the body with their fingers. The results are frequently amazing as emotional problems often disappear in minutes.  Continue reading

Initiation Balancing Program

Initiation Balancing Program

“A unique system designed to initiate the
TRANSFORMATION of your mind, body & spirit in
preparation for the coming GOLDEN AGE.”

The Ma’at Initiation Balancing Program is considered as a unique system designed to initiate the transformation of the mind, body and spirit, in preparation for the coming Golden Age. Its aims is the unification of all three faculties to enable the achievement of a higher state of being.  Continue reading
