YOUR AURA Photo REPORT interpretation
Fun is what you want to concentrate on now. No matter what you do, it needs to be an enjoyable
experience. Yellow in the root chakra suggests that you may be successful in your business or career if
it is fun and creative for you. You probably do not like strict routines, and enjoy a changing
environment. The world sees you as cheerful, happy, playful, carefree and lucky. Yellow is the color of
sunshine and warmth. Your personality is definitely outgoing and optimistic. You may often find
yourself the center of attention. Others see you as radiant and self-expressive.
Like the rising sun, yellow brings forth warmth and light. Yellows represent the intellect. Each shade
or tint of yellow expresses a type of function, ability or expression of the intellect–from the craftiness
of a mustard yellow to the high, intellectual thought of a golden yellow. You are filled with a sense of
excitement and joy. You probably feel happy and confident as you have discovered your life’s work.
You have the confidence to accomplish anything you desire to do. You laugh easily and are amused by
Yellow represents a charismatic intellect. Each shade or tint of yellow expresses a type of function,
ability or expression of the intellect, from the craftiness of a mustard yellow to the high, intellectual
level of a golden yellow. Your color shows us that you approach your future with a sense of excitement
and joy. Your future is bound to be thought provoking. Like the rising sun, the yellow in your crown
brings forth warmth and light as you approach your future with a sense of excitement and joy.
Joy and happiness surround you now. Your excitement is contagious. Life is your playground. You
make everything fun. Even the most tedious of household tasks become a game to you because you
infuse everything you do with a sense of playfulness. At heart you are a happy, laughing child. You
also have a bright and curious intellect that hungers for new and exciting ideas.
Joy and happiness surround you now, and with your innate leadership ability, your excitement is
contagious for all those closest to you. Because life is your playground you enjoy your relationships
with a child’s sense of fun. A partner who compliments your yellow with rich blue tones may find that
you infuse them with your happy and optimistic attitude. You will likely discover that such a person
brings a sense of maturity and quiet to your life. However, a person with these blue tones may not be
quite as physically playful as someone who, like you, has golden or yellow energy. Still, you may find
that if you are with a person who is too much like you, it may be difficult to determine who has the ball
when you are trying to make stressful decisions. Either way, your optimism and curious intellect will
serve you well in most intimate relationships.
Yours is a Primary color, the color of the intellect. It brings forth warmth, light and communication
with a sense of excitement and joy. Your closest resonant planet is Mercury, whose vibration is
positive and optimistic.
AuraAURA 1


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